shqa Medical Affairs Certificate Program Module C – Scientific Excellence
This module is a 1.5-day course of which 1 day takes place on site and 0.5 days as a live webinar
Module content
- Scientific knowledge and understanding
- Data generation in Switzerland
- Transfer of science into patient care
Skills and competencies addressed
After completion of this module, the participants will have the following …
- Knowledge and understanding
- Clinical development process & post-approval research -Swiss specific aspects of company-internal headquarter processes
- Design and conduct of data generation projects in Switzerland
- Legal basics in human research
- Swissethics / Swissmedic
- Stakeholder / patients / public involvement & GCP
- Publication of generated data
- And are able to apply in their job
- Shaping the role of a local MA organization in the clinical development process & post-approval research
- Localization of international data generation / local studies
- Generating data in Switzerland that can be published
- Transfer of science into patient care – “from science to patient care”
- The following related topics/skills are also cross-referenced to other modules
- Communication of complex data, module B Medical communication & presentation
- Swiss regulatory environment, module A Swiss healthcare system
- Stakeholder mapping to be continued, module A Swiss healthcare system
More information on the shqa webpage.
Place: Trafo Baden Kultur und Kongresszentrum, Brown Boveri P. 1 5400 Baden