Professional courses
Discounts for all SwAPP members
University of Bern
The range of individual courses includes about twenty topics. Each topic is the subject of an individual course, which is usually held recurrently every two to three years. The individual courses can be taken individually or as part of the CAS Healthcare Management MiG.
Public Health
A functioning health system that serves the population needs public health professionals who understand the interaction of the individual components of our highly complex health system and who can think about problems in the health system both systemically and in terms of their application, and who can develop solutions.
University of Basel
The ECPM course program consists of 24 face to face teaching days divided into six modules over a period of two years (four days from Monday to Thursday, eight hours per day, each lesson 45–75 minutes), including team involvement in mentored, case-oriented breakout sessions.
University of Bern; sitem-insel AG
TMBE Scholarship Program 2022
The Sitem School scholarship program supports researchers who would like to start a new venture in the healthcare sector.
University of Geneva
The DAS in Management of Clinical Trials and MAS in Drug Discovery and Clinical Development programmes offer flexible, modular courses tailored
to professional needs. Taught in English and in person (2-3 days per month), these modules can be taken individually or as part of the full programme.
Microcertification: Starting from 2024, five modules are microcertified, providing European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) credits.