“Interactive, lively and enriching, these are the adjectives one could use to describe the 4th SwAPP Speed Networking Event that took place on May 2nd, 2017. This human sized event, operated by the Task Force Medical Device was kindly hosted by CPA Group SA, in Villaz-St-Pierre.

After welcome by Tony Arquisch (CPA Group), the conferences given by Dominique Piguet (Medtronic) and Stéphane Porchet (Valtronic) were well appreciated and their high-level of expertise was fully exploited during the question and answer phase at the end of the talks.

The session dedicated to speed networking provided an opportunity for all participants to join in the exchange.

A visit to the facilities was then led by Marc Thurner (RegenHU) and Marcel Dubey (CPAutomation), both companies hosted by CPA Group SA. They gave interesting practical insights into the challenges of innovative development.

Delegates enjoyed continuing networking in a relaxed atmosphere during the closing apéro.”