How does Personalized Medicine Impact Healthcare?
Achievements and technologies in personalised medicine and their consequences for the health care system and the individual patient.
Annual Swiss Symposium in Pharmaceutical Medicine
The two societies SwAPP (Swiss Association of Pharmaceutical Professionals) and SGPM (Schweizerische Gesellschaft für pharmazeutische Medizin) were celebrating their 25th Annual Meeting on November 25, 2020; for the first time in a virtual format. It was an amazing experience with more than 100 people listening and interacting.
Different key stakeholders in the health care system showcased the implementation of personalized medicine in their daily routine and the drug development process overall. There are many aspects, which offer new possibilities not only through tailor making of therapies but also the digitalization of the data and their capture. The handling, storage and exchange of these data require new processes and laws.
Presentations included the advantage of gene sequencing to capture the individual setup of a patient to develop new treatments. Experiences both from the big pharma and start-up industry; investigators and engineers in the hospital setting and the innovative patient organization perspectives were shared. The final presentation of the day introduced the Corona immunitas research program that investigates the spread and impact of the Corona pandemic in Switzerland. We would like to invite you to visit the website and consider supporting the initiative.
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